Haddon is 7 months and I am still finding it difficult to find a routine. It’s really pitiful. He’s not sleeping through the night and other than opting for the good ol’ “cry it out” method, I’m running out of options. We haven’t gotten to that point yet, but we need to sleep asap. Also, he’s sleeping in our room so crying it out means Ale and I will also have to cry it out. It’s a bit frustrating (any and all tips are welcome!!)
 Last Saturday I finally made my way over to the chiropractor. I’ve been having some serious lower back pain from having to lift these kids and my patients at work. Turns out I have scoliosis. Scoli-freaking-osis! As soon as the Dr. told me what it was, I had flashbacks of elementary school.  You know when they ask you to reach forward so the doctors can look at your spine. Turns out I’ve had it for a long time and it was never diagnosed. The worse part is that my spine is not only curved but twisted, and in order to have it fixed I need serious treatment. I think he said something along the lines of “get some treatment or you’ll be 4feet tall when you’re 60!” Nothing like the threat of shrinkage to light a fire under my rear.
 I haven’t gotten excited about the first day of school in a long time. Mainly because after nursing school I boycotted the establishment to the fullest. This week was a little different because we officially started pre-pre-k! Silly I know because Grace is 3, but she’s asking to be challenged and is so inquisitive that we’re jumping on the homeschool bandwagon and getting an early start. We teetered on “homeschooling” her last year and she loved it. So we’re off to the races!
 And with that, we say farewell to summer and hello to pumpkin everything! Fall in Florida is a bit of a joke considering it’s usually 90 degrees outside and the humidity is always at 200% But as tradition has it, on September first our AC kicks into gear, my pumpkin roll finds its way in the oven and Christmas music is on all hours of the day.  Happy Wednesday sweet friends


Also…here are a few posts that you might have missed:

NYC Day I and Day II

Turned 29 last week 

Current thoughts




  1. August 26, 2015 / 10:38 am

    Sounds like you have a busy life! I’m visiting form Tuesday Talk :). When our girls were infants, I discovered the sleep/eat/play schedule. With our first one, I fed her or picked her up whenever she cried (and half the time she wasn’t really hungry–it was just a light sleep cycle). It was crazy and I didn’t sleep for months. By the time the second one came along, I’d discovered the BabyWise books ;).

  2. September 1, 2015 / 8:21 pm

    Girl, I am so sorry about the lack of sleep. Sleep deprivation is no joke! PSL season is literally right around the corner and I am totally okay with it. Hoping the humidity breaks a little early for you guys!