Last month, when our family visited, we spent a little time eating strawberry shortbread and making valentine cards for all of our family.  It was such a fun and special time seeing these two little ladies laughing, drawing pink hearts and eating all the whipped cream.

They’re growing up so fast these two.  I remember their first ever valentines picnic.  Aunt Sammy made cheesecake and we took our picnic outdoors.  It was the cutest thing.

I’m pretty sure these two are going to be best friends forever and will one day thank us for taking a bazillion pictures of them together…

Here’s to Grace and Ellie. To their friendship and to celebrating holidays with family.

Happy Valentines day from these little cuties!

What you may have missed:

Acts of kindness for kids to do on valentines day

Valentines with Grace and a video

Character traits, fruit of the spirit and a FREE printable
