what to do in florida

a few random thoughts before summer comes to an end along with a few of our pictures that never made it on this blog.

i wish we could run outside and enjoy what our northern friends love about summer. I spend all of june through september hiding from the sun. i really do, and that’s because i tan like you wouldn’t believe. And it’s not the glowing kind of tan… it’s the kind that burns your skin and changes your nationality (jk).  i blame it on my dad’s genes.  we step outside (even if the sun’s completely gone) and come back with farmer tans. hard core farmer tans! My sisters-in-law are the polar opposite.  They love the sun! they sunbathe for hours and not much changes for them… they’re both picture perfect Floridians. i… not so much.

i’m grateful for the summer months, but i’m sure glad they’re behind us.  it’s brutal down here. specially when you’re pregnant, carrying groceries, have a toddler that has no desire to walk and a doggie that’s getting ready to charge at the annoying ducks that strategically hang out in front our door waiting to be fed. Needless to say, we sweat a lot. so much so, that my only request when ale decided to upgrade our vehicle was a remote start button.  i think remote start is the automobile industry’s gift to floridians.  thank you dodge!

what to do in florida

what to do in florida we spent most of our summer in the water this year.  grace loves the idea of swimming and looks for every opportunity to stick her face underwater like “ariel.” she’s still really fearful of the water and panics if she’s not gripping our necks before plunging her face. something she might have gotten from me.  i panic anytime i try to swim.  i doggy paddle like a champ though and i have a fairly decent backstroke.

what to do in florida

we celebrated my dad’s birthday by taking a quick drive down to the beach.  it was short lived because lets face it, by noon it feels like we’re all just simmering away in one huge pot.  happy birthday dad!

what to do in florida

what to do in florida

what to do in florida  my parents are always so sweet towards each other.  they hold hands and laugh like teenagers… it brings a smile to my face when i get to witness their love towards each other.

what to do in florida

we’re not quite ready to welcome fall in our home.  mainly because i still have the smell of hawaiian tropics suntan lotion on my skin and our growing babe has me craving all things coconut. hopefully soon the heat and humidity will let up and we can find joy in being outdoors again.  in the meantime, we’ll continue to find the shaded areas of the pool or hibernate indoors until the sun goes down.

we hope everyone had a lovely summer!!!



  1. September 12, 2014 / 2:00 pm

    Yepper, that is what my back yard is exactly like-“my ocean” , our pool and lovely home nestled amongst the dunes! i AM RIGHT THERE WITH YA! That’s why I will NEVER leave Florida permanently. I use SPF 45 every day-coppertone or banana boat or panana Jack love all my sunscreens. My floppy hats, my sunglasses, and especially my gazillion flip flops!!! Have a great weekend. Cheryl.

  2. September 12, 2014 / 8:03 pm

    What a great summer! I’m from AZ, so I somewhat avoid the sun too -but mostly because it’s so dang hot! Also, I was pregnant in the summer with both of my kids, so I’m right there with you -hang in there:)

  3. aleandtere
    September 14, 2014 / 3:32 pm

    it sounds like you love being in FL! that’s awesome my friend. it’s always nice to meet “neighbors”

  4. aleandtere
    September 14, 2014 / 3:33 pm

    thanks friend! it’s definitely not easy being pregnant in this weather…. but we’re managing to keep cool thanks to cold A/C’s, drinks and pools!