Tackling the laundry monster

tackling the laundry monster

I stink at laundry! And by stink… I mean my laundry stinks! For some reason, I always end up having to rewash everything because I either forget all of the laundry in the washer machine or I don’t dry it throughly. It’s an embarrassing confession but it’s true and I’ve had to make some changes throughout the years at my approach when it comes to tackling the laundry monster.

In order to make it easier on myself and keep from doing the same thing twice, I follow a short guideline on tackling the laundry monster!

  1. Schedule: I scheduled my laundry days on Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday. Those days work for me, because it allows our family to have fresh clothes throughout the week and by spreading out the workload,  creates minimum stress
  2. Phone reminders: I set a reminder on my phone for 45 minutes after the clothes go in the washer machine and another, 45 minutes after the clothes go in the dryer. When the alarm goes off, I stop whatever I’m doing and move on to the next step. It’s important to answer the alarm right away and not to snooze it or you may forget about it (as I often do)
  3. Check and recheck: When the drying time is up, go ahead and check that the clothes are completely dry. This is also an important step, because this is when the close tends to get the stinkiest. There have been plenty of times when I have pulled the clothes out of the dryer, brought them into the room in a basket, and five hours later (when I  find the time to fold), they’re all wet and have to go back in the washer.
  4. The right products: My kiddos are a little sensitive to detergents with high amounts of perfumes. For this reason, I opt for a more natural and organic brand like this one or whichever natural brand is on sale at the moment. However, the natural brands are not always the best smelling brands. What I do to help in the scent department is throw in a couple of dryer sheets in the dryer and voilà!

If you struggle with your laundry (like I do) don’t be dismayed.  What’s most important is your love for your family and your desire to improve!

Laundry might be your forte, and if it is PLEASE show me the ways, but for me this has been a hurdle in my marriage and something that not only am I embarrassed to confess but determined to change. Who’s with me? Any laundry pros interested in sharing their tips with me? I will most definitely take them! Also my sister-in-law makes her own laundry detergent that smells like heaven… I’ll ask her to share it with me soon and post it on here for those of you who want a more natural option for laundry detergent.
