At three years old…

You go back-and-forth between wanting to be Elsa and Snow White.

You ask for glass slippers and a crown and would wear a princess dress all day long if I let you.

You call daddy prince charming and sometimes I overhear you say “I can’t go to the ball like this!”

You love “treats” and when I ask you what you want for dinner, your first answer is “chocolate with sprinkles and marshmallows”

Mickey Mouse Club House has been your favorite show from the start but you and daddy have been on a tinker bell streak lately and last week you asked me for wings!

You love to swim and have been unstoppable since your aunt Sammy got you goggles.

You’re a natural performer and have such a great ear for music that we’ve started you on music lessons (you know the free kind. The one that takes place in your room with your kitty piano and your crazy mama pretending to be Julie Andrews)

You’re not too fond of bedtime and every night for the last three months you’ve come in our bedroom to ask if we can “cuddle.” We let you but we know it’s only at the expense of our own rest.

Your grandparents are in love with you. Not a day goes by that they don’t think about you or have a “surprise” waiting for you.

Recently, you’ve learned how to pick up the phone and call daddy all by yourself. Last week, I caught you having a conversation with dad. I walked in on you telling him all about your day.

You’re starting to dress yourself and I’m beginning to think that I’ll have my hands full in that department.

You love your brother to pieces and call him “poochie” just like I do. Seeing you two together fills my heart with so much joy.

You are kindhearted and sweet.  You say thank you and give us kisses without being prompted to do so. And when you get excited you clench your fists and shake from the excitement. It’s a bit scary but fun to watch!

To the little girl that made me a mama… Happy birthday.

Lets have a bunch more!!




  1. May 1, 2015 / 9:00 am

    Could she be any more adorable? Happy Birthday!

  2. May 1, 2015 / 10:47 am

    She is so cute!!! Have the best weekend celebrating her!

  3. aleandtere
    May 6, 2015 / 6:00 am

    Thank you Elaine! I can’t believe she’s three!!