ale and tere a family bloggracie is sick. i tucked her in, gave her medicine, turned her humidifier on and made all of the accommodations necessary for her to have a restful night.  i’ve been tending to sick two year old all day and i still had about 6 more things to check off my long to-do list.  as i tucked her in, the weight of everything i’m balancing landed on my shoulders.  three emails to write, texts to reply to, job applications to fill out,  ale needs his lunch packed, bauer needs to go out… my back is on fire and so are my feet. i feel this babe within me is stretching my body faster than i can keep up… and it hurts.  but it’s almost midnight and i have to push through.  no one will write these emails for me or continue to apply for the 150th job or carry this child and ale works late tonight.  so it’s just me. just me and the weight of it all.

i tuck her in, give her a sip of water, we rush through a prayer and i rush out of her room.

not a minute goes by before she calls me in, yet again demanding my attention. this time she wanted me to hold her hand because she was scared.  i thought about bringing her back outside but then i remembered that she’s two and two year olds are crazy good at knowing how to get your attention. i sat next to her, held her hand for a couple of minutes and then slowly released my grip reassuring her and demanding that she’d go back to sleep.

once again i rushed through a prayer and out of her room.

as i was making my way out, she began to cry and quietly whimpered  “mommy… i’m scared. please sing to grace please. gracias señor?”

all at once i felt ashamed, unequipped and humbled by my child’s request.   here i found myself rushing to get everything done before the night was over all while putting aside what i needed most.  a song of thanksgiving. a moment to look up and thank Christ for life.

i held her hand and sang. tears flowed down my face as i uttered the words “thank you Lord for this beautiful day. thank you lord for life and for health. i come to you Lord to offer you gratitude”  and in a matter of minutes her little eyes closed and she drifted off to sleep.

i held her hand a bit longer… this time because i needed her.  i needed her hand to remind me that He gives us peace when our thoughts are fixed on Him (isaiah 26:3) my two year old reminded me to stop and look to Christ.  that only through Him and in Him will we find rest (psalm 62:5) from our fears, our anxiety, our to-do’s.





  1. September 19, 2014 / 1:17 pm

    Hoping Gracie is feeling better! As for the 150th job resume/applications just may be there is a reason nothing came through yet? Your body will stretch, and again stretch til your stomach feels like it’s jab somewhere under your ribs? Relax Tere, breathe and say to yourself PINS AND NEEDLES-NEEDLES AND PINS, A HAPPY WOMAN IS ONE THAT GRINS! To sweet Gracie tonight Pepito amiga buenos noches. To her Mommy; Amen Senora/or would you rather be Senorita? Ah, you’ll get all things done! Cheryl.

  2. aleandtere
    September 19, 2014 / 2:44 pm

    There is something to be said about timing… about the stretching… oh my! Thanks again Cheryl!

  3. October 10, 2014 / 8:38 am

    Kids really do bring out the best in us. They remind us to slow down and soak it all in – life, joy, love – because time moves on and over everything so quickly. I hope she’s feeling better.

  4. aleandtere
    October 10, 2014 / 2:36 pm

    Thank you Bradley. You’re right… they do remind us to slow down. She’s also doing much better. Thanks!!

  5. October 11, 2014 / 6:01 pm

    I know I have found myself doing the same thing, rushing through moments that I should be slowing down for. Thanks for the reminder. Praying you get everything done that you need to.

  6. aleandtere
    October 11, 2014 / 6:18 pm

    Thank you my friend!