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Last week we invited a few friends over the house for a Christmas cookie decorating party.  This is something I have been wanting to do for some time now, and the kids are finally old enough to get excited about all of the Christmas festivities.  This is also the first year they’re tall enough to reach the decorating table and not just throw everything on the floor… which makes for a fun party rather than a complete mess. We spent a few days preparing for the party, making frosting, and picking out the best Christmas sprinkles. It was so much fun building up the excitement and an getting the house ready for our little friends.

The kids picked out sugar cookies and snickerdoodle cookies and ate more frosting than I would like to admit, but they had such a great time!

Grace insisted she have pink frosting for her cookies.  Since there were a few other little girls who also love pink, we made an extra batch of pink frosting.  It was one of the best decisions ever.  #momwin for sure.

Also, that picture above… all the baby toes/ crunched up toes, baby bear slippers and footie pj’s!


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See what I’m talking about… pink pj’s and pink frosting.


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All the pj’s went straight to the wash right after this party.  Frosting ERRRRWHERE! I also found some in my hair… which is not really that surprising but I also found some on my dog.  That one I was a little surprised about but hey… none ended up on my couch and that was a win for me!



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Eyes closed… two hands… true love friends.


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This little boy and his precious smile and Grace with a mouth full of cookies.


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Obviously, frosting is just glue for all the Christmas sprinkles!

So thankful for these dear friends and for all of the new memories!

Merry Christmas friends!


Here are some of our favorite Christmas posts:

Our first Christmas away from our family

Christmas tree and a video

12 Dates of Christmas 

