A couple of weeks ago we had our first big snow of the year. I am always so amazed at how much everything changes when it snows and how beautiful it all looks. I don’t think I’ll ever get used to it. Everything washes out and it’s all painted the same shade of white. It’s so lovely.
Down the street from our house, there’s a school with a pretty decent sloped hill. Last year, we took our family to that same hill for some sledding and we’re so excited about getting out again.
Grandma was in town this day so she stayed back with Emory and Harrison. Dad, Grace, and Haddon ventured out for their first sledding experience of the year and it was magical!
It’s always so fun seeing how much the kids grow from year to year. Last year Haddon was so scared and hesitant to go down the hill. This year, he zipped up his snowsuit and made it up and down the hill at least 25 times. He even tried sledding down a ramp that someone left behind. I was so impressed.
Grace has always been a natural at it. She’s very strong and agile and it showed. I’m super impressed by her core strength and determination to make it further and further each time.
I think Alex and I are at the point where we need to invest in snow pants. Having four kids forces you to be outside regardless of the elements and our jeans are not going to cut it any longer.
The day after Christmas our family is coming back up and we are praying for a bunch of snow to come our way. We are really looking forward to getting back out there with all of them!