I hope everyone had a wonderful Fourth of July. We had an opportunity to celebrate this special day the real Nebraskan/Midwest way. We drove to our friends parents house in the country and celebrated with hamburgers, hotdogs and an insane amount of fireworks. We love the Fourth of July. Eight years ago Alex proposed to me during a Fourth of July party, and this holiday will always remind me of that moment. I also think about what the holiday represents. FREEDOM. Our road to citizenship and the freedom that we have in Christ.

This was also our first Fourth of July away from family, which made it a little bit nostalgic for us, but we quickly got over it once we saw all of the corn fields and the dairy farms. There’s an enchantment that comes with the midwest that I am just starting to understand. Everything is a labor of love, from the food, to the conversations. Everything takes time and people are invested.

I loved every part of our celebration.

My favorite part of last night was the drive home. Alex and I were reminiscing about the day when we drove up to a corn field and parked our jeep on the side of the road. We all climbed to the top of the Jeep, played patriotic music and watched about four different firework shows that were going on at the same time. We watched the entire show. Friends, it was the best show we’ve ever seen and it was such an incredible experience. The kids loved it, and Alex and I were blown away by the overall experience.

When we were younger, Alex and I would head over to the beach to watch fireworks. They would fire them up over the water and it was so pretty… but it didn’t compare to this. This day was something else.

Somewhere deep in my heart I know that maybe, just maybe, we’re going to be just fine up here.

The kids played with this vintage seesaw.  When I asked Grace what was her favorite part, without hesitation she said the seesaw.

Our friend’s home is on the most beautiful land surrounded by cornfields, they hung the swing on a tall branch and my kids had an amazing time.

This little boy and his ketchup stains.  So cute!

This little girl and her excitement.

He was chasing the light.

He wanted to fly.


Guys. This house was beautiful.  It made me want to buy some acreage and build a cottage for all of us.


I hope you all had an amazing time.  We loved every minute of it.

Also, here are a few of our past Fourth of July celebrations. Weekend and a pool party ,  Last year’s Fourth of July, 2015 Celebration, First weeks of summer.
