It has been a LONG three months of sleep depravation. So much so that Ale and I began to accept the zombie look as the new “normal” and could not recall what we looked like before she took over our lives – no…really…his exact words were “I can’t remember what you looked like before getting pregnant.” Ha! But after many sleepless nights, I am happy to say that we have reached the light at the end of the tunnel, the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow, the promise land… SHE SLEEPS! And not just a mild snooze, but a 7 hour, knocked-out, can’t-wake-me-if-you-tried sleep. We are so excited we don’t know what to do with ourselves! For now we will attempt to catch up on some much needed zz’s and have conversations that don’t start with “one day, when we get more sleep, we should…”
Teresa and Alex, she is just beautiful. I can’t believe how much hair she has. She is as beautiful as her mother. I miss you.
She is absolutely beautiful. I see both of you in her!