motherhood blog

This little girl…

She’s only two but she’s so smart, loving and helpful.  Lately, she has made it a point to involve herself in every inch of our daily lives and we would not have it any other way.

She loves so deeply and her affection keeps us going when our strength is super low and the things that come out of her mouth are funny and always catch us off guard.

I thought I’d write a few of them down:

“Momma I don’t like to play with boys.  I like girls and doggies”

“Mom I need to take a quick bath because I just can’t take this anymore”

“I’m thinking I need to go to Mickey’s house next month”

Me: “Grace please put all the puzzles away”  Grace: “Mom you do it yourself I’m going on a horse ride”

Grace: “Mom, can we go to the beach? Me: Yes honey we can go. Grace: But are there sharks? I don’t like sharks. Me: Yes honey there are sharks but they’re far away in the deep ocean and they can’t get us. Grace: Are they sleeping? Me: Umm…. Maybe. Grace:They’re in the ocean with dori and coral and Ariel? Me: Yes honey. Grace: Ok I want to go see them next month. Me: Ok honey we’ll go”

“Ok mom, listen, I’m going to go poopoo and pee and then I’m going to eat a cupcake. Sounds like a plan?”

“This is the rule. I have to hold mommas hand tight. If I let go I can get a big ouchi. Right momma?”

motherhood blog

motherhood blog
more sayings here, here and here



  1. aleandtere
    February 11, 2015 / 1:14 pm

    Thank you friend!

  2. aleandtere
    February 11, 2015 / 1:14 pm

    Thanks Bradley… your little one and that braid made my day yesterday!!

  3. February 11, 2015 / 3:33 pm

    SO CUTE! My fave…I’m going to go poopoo and pee and then eat a cupcake! Haha!! My kind of girl! 🙂

  4. aleandtere
    February 11, 2015 / 7:18 pm

    Amy, haha! mine too. I’m just glad she has her priorities straight lol

  5. March 13, 2015 / 1:37 pm

    She’s gorgeous! I love all the fun things two years olds say 🙂