the ancient olive- a life lesson


last december we spent some time on a family vacation in nc and on our drive back home we stopped by The Ancient Olive oil in st. augustine.  we loved that store so much.  they encouraged personal experience and allowed us to spend as much time as we wanted tasting their selection while the owner walked us through his favorite pairings. we knew right away that bringing a couple of bottles home was a must.  our picks were wild mushroom & sage infused olive oil and a fig infused balsamic vinegar. OMG!!! out of this world!!!

when we got home, i found a neat little nest in our pantry for both bottles.  and there they sat waiting to make their grand entrance. for the perfect occasion.  we thought a wine and cheese event or a romantic dinner would be the best occasion for them but time and time again they just sat there eager to be used.

friday afternoon i learned a few lessons…

  1. gravity always wins
  2. i place too much value on material things
  3. every day should be a special occasion

given from the pictures above… we lost one of our precious bottles.  our wild mushroom & sage olive oil took a slow motion nosedive from our pantry to our tiled floor and took my heart with it.

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so there i was, on my hands and knees with a crying toddler in the background (who obviously wanted to swim in the spilled mess) picking up little pieces of green glass trying to hold back tears.  the oil that was meant to be shared with loved ones now permeated dish towels and down the garbage it went.

so humbling.  i had placed so much value on those two little bottles.  i preferred them sitting on a shelf than actually enjoying them. God has a way of refocusing my priorities and i am grateful for that.

has that ever happened to anyone?  gosh… i wish i could have shared our special find with my family or enjoyed it with my husband.

i wish i wouldn’t hold on to things so tightly that they spend months stored away. maybe i think i’m protecting them… maybe i grew up having so little that when something of value comes along i’m afraid to “waste” it. maybe that’s why all of my “nice” things are rarely seen.  they sit in my closet and my drawers for years waiting for the special moment.

either way seeing that mess on the floor was a much needed experience and i’m better for it.

so i’m pulling out those anniversary earrings that i think are too fancy for me and the fancy ingredients in the back of my pantry, and i’m putting them to use. i am learning and remembering that my value lies on Christ and that everything i have does not belong to ME but to HIM.

we probably won’t get a chance to snag one of these puppies again unless the wonderful Ancient Olive decides to send us a complimentary bottle… and if they do… oh i promise they’ll be enjoyed right away!!

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