5th date of christmas/ mommy daughter date

20131221-164214.jpgseriously guys… time is flying!!!! i had hoped to have at least 10 dates of christmas up here but i’m so far behind on editing pictures/writing i might just have to do one massive picture-loaded post and sum it all up. i would forgo it all together but i want to look back at this year and remember all the wonderful memories we’ve made.

the good news is that we did it!!! we’ve had amazing dates this season and we have a few more planned before the end of the year.

grace and i were forced into going out for lunch and book shopping last week by the extremely loud and incredibly annoying fire alarm test they were doing on our building.  seriously?! i think they want you to burst your ear drums before you get a chance to escape the building in the event of a fire.  whatever the case, we seized the opportunity and off we went!!! 20131221-164222.jpg20131221-164236.jpg20131221-164243.jpg20131221-164250.jpg20131221-164304.jpg20131221-164313.jpg20131221-164320.jpg20131221-164326.jpgmy favorite part was watching her read to the bears who were three times her size!! she’s such a sweet little girl and so cuddly my heart can’t take it sometimes.   
