This post is sponsored by Community Coffee and all opinions are my own.

A day in the life and community coffee
I have wanted to write a post like this for some time now. Partially because I have been asked what my actual day looks like and partially because I want to document the season in my life. Most days are hectic. They include homeschooling, work hours, errands and housekeeping. Although tasks may vary from day to day, I have learned to follow our family’s natural rhythm and have embraced the pace that comes from having a big family with four children. Most of my days start the exact same way. I program the coffee maker for 6 AM and make it a point to wake up a little earlier than the kids. Most days this is really tough for me, but I’ve realized that once I get going, everything begins to move at a steady pace. I try really hard to make sure the kids don’t hear me in the morning so I can have a few minutes to myself. As a homeschooling mom, I am with my kids all day long, and silence is hard to come by. Although I truly love the soundtrack of my life, starting my day with a quiet space helps me to set my intentions and my mind for the day ahead.

This is usually the time where I will have my coffee, because let’s face it, sometimes that warm cup of coffee Is the only thing that keeps me going after a 6 AM wake up call. These days I am drinking Community® coffee because of its rich, smooth flavor. Community Coffee is a family-owned and operated coffee brand that is values-driven and socially responsible. I really appreciate the well-rounded flavor of American Classic™ blend highlighting notes of vanilla and cocoa and it truly embodies the classic American coffee taste profile. It’s very aromatic, sealed for freshness and my gosh it tastes amazing!

I personally feel like I resonate with this brand because of its values, and because Community Coffee Company is the number one family-owned retail coffee brand in America. Their coffee tastes amazing and keeps me going all day long. After I have a few minutes by myself, reading and listening to music or gathering my thoughts, will move onto breakfast and morning chores. This includes cleaning up the dishwasher, making our beds and getting everyone dressed for the day. The kids usually stroll down and will have a morning devotional time as well as talk about the schedule for the day.

After breakfast, we start homeschooling. I homeschool two out of my four kids and we always try to tackle a little bit more material than we are scheduled to. This is in part because we like to take long vacations during the year. So, we’ll sometimes double up on school to make sure we have enough time off when we go on our trips.

During this time I also play with the smaller kids and start getting the house together for lunch. This is also the time where I will catch up on housework (or at least attempt to). Once the kids are down for naps in the afternoon, I’ll run in the office and get some work done. This is the time I have to answer emails, edit pictures and catch up on my to do’s.

I try to squeeze in as much time as possible, but once the kids are up from their naps we lace up our sneakers and go outside. We like to go for long walks, bring our nature journals and spend some time breathing in the fresh air and burn some energy. We all look forward to this time outdoors.

Afterward, we all come inside and do a quiet afternoon activity. Sometimes we read and sometimes we’ll watch a movie together. Then I’ll head over to the kitchen and start preparing dinner for everyone. I like to cook at least twice a week and make sure to make a big enough batch so that we can have leftovers throughout the rest of the week. This helps me simplify my life and gives me more time during the week to get other things done.

Alex usually joins us for dinner and then we head on to showers and family time. This looks a little different every day. Some days we’ll have hot cocoa or tea, and other nights we’ll go out for an evening drive. It all depends on how we’re feeling and how much energy I have left to give. This is the structure for most of our days. Some days we’ll head out grocery shopping after naps, and some days we’ll ditch school and spend the entire morning at the park. We like to have a little room for flexibility and spontaneity, but there’s always a rhythm we follow and it has worked out really well for us.

What doesn’t change, however, is the way I start my days. I love a warm cup of Community® coffee in my hand because it really does set the tone and gives me the boost I need to start my day!

I pick up Community® coffee at my local Walmart on one of our many trips during the week.