All things must come to an end, be it good or not so good. This summer was an amazing one for sure and I couldn’t let the season pass without capturing it one last time. Here are some pictures from the last day of Summer 2019.

Harry went from napping at the pool, to loving the water. He would swim away if I let him. He also does the cutest party trick, where he pushes his head back in the water, while I plug his ears and just hangs out there “floating.” I’m pretty sure he can hear everything muffled underwater and everything sort of calms down for him. It’s something I used to do with Grace when she was tiny and it’s a sweet memory I’ll have of him for a long time to come.
Here’s our first summer pool day.

Grace has become a regular on the diving board. She’s fearless and so fun to be around. She started the summer off by just “stepping” off the diving board and very quickly realized that it’s a lot more fun if you just cannonball in. I am a little embarrassed to say that I’ve only jumped off the thing once and it was mainly because I was already in line and there were a couple of mean-looking 12-year-olds that did not want to let me get off the diving board.

Emory takes the gold medal for most improved this summer. Back in June, she would not even get near any of the slides and yesterday, well she just had a permanent slide wedgie all day long. It took a little tough love and some coaxing to get her accustomed to the slides, but once she figured it out, there was no getting her off.

Haddy. He had two weeks of swimming lessons this summer and forgot everything he learned. Except for holding his breath. He’s amazing at holding his breath and giving me a slight heart attack.

Oh this girl has gotten so comfortable and strong in the water. She was the fastest swimmer in her swim class and she swears she has gills. I love seeing her with goggles on. I think she looks like a little frog and that toothless smile is everything.
Last of summer 2019