I am SO excited about this giveaway for you! I have teamed up with several wonderful businesses and artists to bring you an assortment of goodies you are going to love this summer!
Before I jump into what is up for grabs in MY giveaway, you must know about the 8 OTHER giveaways that are all happening right now. To see each gift up close, and to enter to win, visit each site to fill out their entry forms.
It’s possible you could win more than ONE!
When you visit each blog take a look around. This is a great list of amazing bloggers and I know you’ll love each one of them. These precious bloggers (who all love Jesus!) are tearing the blog world UP with their commitment to helping women know God more, serve their families well, and be encouraged on the journey. Plus, their giveaways are AMAZING, so make sure you enter to win their giveaways, too!
**Click any AND ALL of these links to enter to win the incredible giveaways going on at each of these fabulous sites!**
1. Happy Home Fairy // 2. Ale & Tere // 3. The Littles and Me // 4. Erika Dawson – Faithful Moms // 5. Filled with the Word // 6. The Olive Tree Blog // 7. The Purposeful Mom // 8. Meaningful Mama // 9. Frugal Coupon Living
Without further ado, here is what is up for grabs in MY giveaway!
These are on my top summer fave list…
Pink grapefruit Neutrogena Oil-Free Cleansing Wipes
These wipes smell incredible and they are a great summer staple when you’re on the go.
The Honest Company hand sanitizer spray Orange with Aloe
I love this brand and this hand sanitizer smells like summer in a tube. It also has natural ingredients and it’s easy to throw in your purse and go.
Burt’s Bees #bringbackthebees Pink Grapefruit moisturizing lip balm
This lip balm is smooth and has a light grapefruit scent. I love it. It smells like a grapefruit drink.
Sally Hansen Insta-dry “Peachy Breeze” and “Clearly Quick” nail color
Guys I’m wearing this color right now. It’s so fun and perfect for the pool or beach
Maybelline’s “Peach Buff” Matte/Mat lip color
This Maybelline Mat lip color goes on smooth and it’s my #1 shade. You can dress it up or wear it everyday.
Summertime flamingo lunch napkins
Guys… these can make any Instagram picture look festive and like you’re in Tahiti. Also, I pull them out during family dinner and they make Nebraska’s cool weather feel like Florida!
Shepherding a Child’s Heart by Tedd Tripp
This parenting book has been a gift from God to my mama heart. So much wisdom in here! I plan on reading this book (again) this summer and I know it will bless you and your children as much as it has blessed me.
2ECOND LIFE by Chesapeake Bay Candle “Aloe Woods” scent
This is my post dinner scent. After the house is all picked up and my kiddos are getting ready for bed, I light this candle. It makes the entire house feel like I’m on an island somewhere and helps me relax at the end of the day.
What do you think?!
Would you like to win all of these amazing prizes?!
FOUR ways to enter:
1. Subscribe to Ale and Tere
see the top right of the site (right under my bio) enter your email and hit subscribe!
You’ll get an email from me, make sure to confirm your email and you are set!
2.Follow @ale_and_tere on Instagram
3. Follow @aleandtere on Facebook
4. Enter your email address below
*The winner will be randomly chosen*
This giveaway is open to U.S. residents only (apologies to my sweet international readers!). The giveaway will end at 12:00 am on Monday, May 29 (EST). A winner will be selected shortly after and notified by e-mail. If winner does not respond within 24 hours, a second winner will be chosen. Thank you for being a part of this fun giveaway!
I can’t wait to see who wins! Make sure to HOP to the other blogs and make some new, inspiring friends!
**Click the links below to learn more about these amazing bloggers!**
Julie Brasington is the wife of a South Florida Worship Pastor and mom of 2 boys. She writes at Happy Home Fairy where you can find easy craft ideas, FREE printables, simple recipes, corny jokes, holiday fun, thoughts on raising kids, and encouragement for moms.
Ashley is the wife of her entrepreneur husband, Philip, and mama to two sweet girls. She’s also the arts and crafts lover, blocks builder, everyday celebrator, and mama encourager behind The Littles and Me—where she shares kids activities, simple ideas for family fun and encouragement for mamas. She believes in celebrating everyday moments, the power of play and spreading freshly squeezed joy along the way!
Teresa (Tere) from Ale & Tere is married to her high school sweetheart and they have three beautiful babies. They recently moved their family from sunny South Florida to the suburbs of Nebraska and are documenting their travel experiences, parenting journey, growing faith and pieces of their everyday life. You can find Teresa with a baby on her lap, homeschooling her five year old, chasing after a mischievous pooch and drinking cold coffee (because she never gets to it in time). Teresa’s hope is to encourage other moms to embrace motherhood in all of it’s beautiful and chaotic splendor and to always always always point others to Christ!
Erika Dawson is a writer and speaker who is passionate about God’s Word and prayer. She writes at FaithfulMoms.org sharing Biblical teaching, grace-filled encouragement, and practical tools for moms to connect with God, walk faithfully in their callings, and lead their kids to Jesus. She and her husband live in the Chicagoland area with their four incredible kids.
A wife and mother after God’s heart, FilledWithTheWord tends to the hearts of women of all ages and shines a bright light to the Gospel of Jesus Christ while providing encouragement to all through the sweet promises that God has for His people. Courtney can’t wait to meet you right where you’re at and follow along!
Christina married a music man, who also happened to be her high school sweetheart. Together they have four children and one crazy labrador. She blogs about faith, family, travel, baking, cooking, and everyday life. She blogs at The Olive Tree.