Summer is a deep cleaning season for me but before I get started, I like to have a plan. Today I thought I’d share my four tips to summer cleaning.
I like to start off a week or so before summer officially kicks off and go through every room taking stock of the intentions, function, and style of each room and keep that in mind as I get to work.
1 – Make A Schedule
I like two rooms a week or maybe set out an entire week for summer cleaning. It’s important for me to be realistic about the time I am able to dedicate to the spaces. I also like to take one room or section of the house at a time. This keeps me from getting overwhelmed and helps me focus on the specific needs of that room/ space. I don’t give myself a time frame, because some rooms/spaces may take longer than others, but I do like to schedule which room/ space in order of priority.
You can also pick a weekend, week or entire month of how you are going to get all of these summer cleaning chores completed.

2 – Get Your Supplies Ready
Take an inventory of your supplies you have before you actually start cleaning and stock up on your favorite rags, brushes, and cleaning products. The last thing you want is to have to pause and head to the store while you’re elbows deep in cleaning.
When it comes to cleaning products, I think it’s important to use products that not only cleans but disinfects. This summer, I’ve stocked up on CLORALEN products. It deep cleans, removes tough stains, removes mold and mildew stain with a pleasant aroma. I also love that it’s a family-owned company that seeks to provide versatile, high-performing cleaning products at an affordable price.
CLORALEN has a few different products that I use here at home. I love their multipurpose cleaner for all of the surfaces around my house and for the kid’s room. Their disinfectant bleach is perfect for bathrooms and floors. I also use CLORALEN disinfectant bleach to whiten, deep clean, disinfect my bathrooms, tiles, tub, shower, and floors. You can find CLORALEN using this store locator!
Learn more here!
Make sure you have every single thing you need for a successful summer cleaning. The last thing you want to do is run to the store for something you may have needed.

3 – Declutter Before You Start Cleaning
I love decluttering and I always feel so much better after I’ve decluttered a space. I set out three piles (throw away, donate and keep). I try to be super cut throat when it comes to decluttering even if it’s something that I think, I may use I lean towards donating with the effort of trying to keep the house as clutter free as possible. I usually do this before I start cleaning. That way, I am only cleaning the things that are staying and keeping only those things that have a purpose or are meaningful to us.
During the decluttering stage, I take a look at all of the closets, drawers, under the beds and under the sinks! I also like to tackle the garage to make sure that there’s nothing that is not working or just taking up space.

4 – Tackle the floors last
I love having shiny floors that are super clean but I can’t truly enjoy them until I’ve gone through all of the rooms first. I love decluttering and I always feel so much better after I’ve decluttered a space. I set out three piles (throw away, donate and keep). To really deep clean non-porous floors, I add ½ cup of CLORALEN Disinfectant Bleach to 1.5 gallons of water and mop or scrub, then go over with water. It’s amazing what comes off and how much my floors sparkle.
A little extra tip – I carry CLORALEN antibacterial wipes with me everywhere I go. I stick them in my purse and have them handy to clean and sanitize restrooms, restaurant tables, grocery carts etc. They are alcohol and paraben free, have a fresh scent and super gentle on my hands.
I also give myself plenty of grace when it comes to cleaning. The mess and tough dirt didn’t get there overnight, so I shouldn’t have the expectation of removing it all in one day. It’s a slow and steady process but with a little planning and the right products, I believe it can be done!