Halloween is always a little tricky for us (see what I did there? HA!) But really. We spend half of the time shielding our kids from all of the scary displays at the store and the other half explaining WHY adults want to scare one another. There are a lot of conversations taking place during these season. The kids want to know about ghosts, zombies and why we’re celebrating acts that would normally put people in jail. But here’s the thing, we don’t shy away from Halloween nor do we shy away from answering their questions.
Maybe it’s the child in me that was never allowed to dress up, or the teenager that shut off the lights and waited inside the house so no one would knock on our door. Whatever the case, in our home, we have an open dialogue about the holiday, it’s origin and how we, as Christians should navigate this season .
The best part about these conversations is that it allows us to share the gospel with our kids because everywhere we look, there are clear visuals of what the deeds of darkness look like and the contrast between that and how we as Christians should live.
We openly talk about the depravity of man, and how we are inherently corrupt and utterly incapable of choosing or doing that which is acceptable to God apart from divine grace. We talk about our need for a savior and how our lives are different and set apart because of God’s grace and we aught to shine God’s light to those around us through our words and actions.
Read more about what we believe here
So, on Halloween, we take the opportunity to open our doors, smile at our neighbors and dress up our home and ourselves in a way that honors God and displays the light in us. We also print out Bible verses and stick them to our candy. This is a fun way to get the kids involved, to pray over the kids who are receiving the candy and to build up excitement about shining God’s light on an otherwise very dark day.
If you’d like to join us, I made a fun printable with Bible verses that you can download for free!
Click here to download the FREE Bible verse printable for Halloween candy

Also, here are a few Bible verses that help us navigate through these conversations
For from within, out of the heart of man, come evil thoughts, sexual immorality, theft, murder, adultery, coveting, wickedness, deceit, sensuality, envy, slander, pride, foolishness. All these evil things come from within, and they defile a person
Mark 7:21-23
John 12:46
I have come into the world as light, so that whoever believes in me may not remain in darkness.
1 corinthians 10:31
So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God.
Click here to download the FREE printable