Ahh, a new year. There’s something so special about the start of a new year. It’s an opportunity to start dreaming and embrace the possibilities of something new. Maybe it’s a different perspective or a small change you’re making to your daily rhythm, the idea of a new beginning is always an exciting time.
For me, something that’s even more exciting than setting new goals is taking the time to do a self-audit, and that’s kind of where we’re at today!
I’m a big believer in reflecting on the previous year and identifying the habits that have been beneficial and also have a serious look into the patterns that have negatively impacted my life. I think both exercises are really important. If change is what we’re longing for, identifying areas that are working well is just as important as identifying areas that need change.
For me, it’s no about these massive goals (like running a marathon or writing a book) It’s about making micro-adjustments to my daily habits, with the purpose of long-lasting change. Most importantly, I like to pause and see if my goals are actually a godly pursuit – for me, the common thread should always weave back to the word of God. This is an opportunity for me to evaluate my goals and see if they line up with scripture (either as a direct command of God to us or as a means of obedience and sanctification)
If that’s what you’re into, then you’re in the right place, my friend!
I created an exercise called RECAP + GOAL SETTING that has helped me categorize my goals and reflect on the past year.
Are you a working-from-home mama who needs help prioritizing?c This will help!
This is an opportunity to pause and reflect so that you can vividly see where the tiny pivots need to happen, as well as identify what’s working and where you’ve excelled in the past.
My worksheet includes categories that are specific to my life (if you’re in my season in life you can relate) but if you don’t have kids or aren’t married, you can grab THIS blank worksheet and fill it out with the different areas in your life.
I love this exercise because it gives me an opportunity to slow down, reflect, give thanks, and be honest with myself before I take off running!
Happy reflecting friends!