so much to be thankful for.
thankful for grandparents who find joy in the “messy” parts of life. the parts that i try to avoid because i am more focused on the time it would take to clean up the mess than on the joy of making it.
thankful for a little girl who attacks her food just like i do. life is too short to approach food with caution.
thankful for ladies (@mcgirl @slnavarro @mhagmeyer) who take time out of their busy schedules to share their lives with me and for a sister in law who just nocked hot chocolate out of the park!
thankful for the times that remind me to SLOW DOWN and pay attention to what i’m doing (and i’m very thankful that grace didn’t get sick after i poured her oatmeal in our dog’s bowl…thinking it was a normal “human” bowl)
thankful for my hunk of a husband who patiently made the most incredible manchego mac and cheese and who’s patient extends so far beyond mine.
thankful for purposeful legs that i spent years hiding because i thought they were too muscular. they now serve as a “slide” a “horsey” and extra “hands” and bring so much happiness to my little girl.
thankful for peppermint mocha, for coffee breaks and for the reminder that my favorite holiday of all time is right around the corner (p.s.we’re the reason our local starbucks is in business)
thankful for mornings that start with breakfast…pancakes to be exact. most don’t. most start with us running out of the house trying to make it in time for class/work and realizing that we left lights on and forgot to close windows and doors.
thankful for this little face. for the reminder that His love for us is so much greater than my love for her… i can’t even begin to imagine what that’s like.
He forgives our lack of thanksgiving and our preoccupation with wanting more. i struggle with contentment. i am often planning for the “next thing” or wishing we were doing something else that i forget to enjoy what He’s given me now.
i am humbled and grateful for the work that He is doing in me. for growth. for grace.
i am thankful.