guys… catching my breath here. it’s been a whirlwind of crazy early mornings, late nights, tests, papers and a sick home.
in the midst of it all, we’re managing to squeeze in tv watching breaks and conversation time while we watch our little girl drift off to sleep. it’t not the “ideal” for us, but we’re learning to be thankful for the time that we do have to spend with each other.
these moments…these are moments i’m thankful for.
^^family coffee dates^^
^^choo-choo trains that brighten up her day^^
^^some nights we make it out to the park. i run until i’m out of breath and she just keeps on running. i think God gives parents an extra bit of energy every time they have a child. my mom had 4!!! i only have strength for one… i can’t imagine what 4 is like^^
^^peek-a-boo in the parking lot^^
^^camera timers… it’s rare that i take a picture of myself. i’m usually the one annoying everyone and asking them to smile. making a point to make sure i’m in the picture. i’m sure when i’m 60 i’ll appreciate looking back^^
^^coffee samples at surlatable and restoration hardware… ah… i’ll take one of everything in both these stores!^^
^^we’ve had some cold weather these past few days and teaching Grace to sip hot chocolate has been a treat for me. she loves marshmallows and asks for them every day. it’s really cute but she’s almost had the entire bag of mini mallows^^
^^lately our dates have revolved around coffee and dessert. mainly because we can only squeeze in an hour but also because we’re calling this month frugal january in attempts to make up for not-so-frugal december^^
^^someone found their nose!! although i’m not thrilled about it, i love seeing her hit these little stages in life. she gets grossed out by boogers so when she does get “one” she screams for us to clean her hands. as long as she’s not eating them… i’ll take it!^^
^^planning a few things in the near future. camping trip and a wedding!!^^
^^we recently moved into a new apartment and this is our view. it really is a beautiful one and we get to see a different one every night^^