I was compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and its advertiser, Nature Made® for this post. All opinions are mine alone. #NatureMadeAtWalmart #NewLookOfNatureMade #CollectiveBias
Nature Made®

So, our first few weeks of school are behind us and we have a second grader and a pre-schooler who are just doing so well with their new routine. Grace is up every morning before 7:30 am, cleaning her room and getting the cereal together and Haddon runs down the stairs with a huge grin and his school basket ready to go. Homeschooling is something that we’re really passionate about and the fact that the kids are excited about it really solidifies our decision. Now, homeschooling and running a business has its ups and downs. For one, I get to be a part of every single aspect of my kid’s life. I am there watching them grow, learn and enjoy life and here for them when they encounter difficult topics and emotions. It’s a joy and a responsibility that I do not take lightly or for granted. Being present all the time takes a toll on my mind and body, and I know that if I stand a chance, I have to take care of myself. Today I’m teaming up with Nature Made® to share with you five tips that help me stay on top of back to school season.
1. Give yourself alone time – This may be the hardest one on the list and that’s why I put it first. Waking up before my kids do is the best thing I can possibly do for myself. I’ve heard of moms who wake up two hours before their kids so they can work out, read, put on their makeup and cook a delicious breakfast. I don’t do that. I wake up maybe 15-20 minutes before they do, and get my day going. The point is that I get to wake up on my terms allowing myself some peace and quiet before the hustle. I give my mind a few minutes to focus on my day, pray, stretch, get dressed and take a minute to myself before the kids come downstairs.
2. Perk up – Drink up, exercise etc. do what you have to do to wake up. I am a coffee drinker through and through. I love my coffee strong, black and in my hand as soon as I wake up. Whatever it takes to get you going, I say go for it.

3. Exercise – I like to move my body every single day. It doesn’t always look the same. Some days I’m out running and I just moved my indoor bike to my bedroom so that’s been something I have been really excited about. Some days I’m running after my kids outside and I count that as my workout for the day.

4. Set priorities – I think I write this down on every blog post, Instagram story and share it over and over because I really believe that sometimes we run around in circles due to the lack of direction. At least I do. Every day, I like to set a shortlist of priorities (3 at most) and keep my eye on the goals. Yes, life happens and sometimes I’m not able to get those priorities done. So on those days, I have a little grace on myself and try again tomorrow. However, setting my priorities keeps me focused and allows me to push past distractions.
5. Fuel well – It’s all about balance. I fuel up on clean whole foods that maintain my blood sugar stable and keep my energy high. That way I don’t hit the 3pm slump and need to take a nap while the kids run circles around me. I notice that when I eat well, I perform well.
6. Supplement – Supplements are a great addition to your daily diet and routine. I like to have a good variety of supplements that compliment my eating habits and exercise routine. Nature Made® is a trusted brand that I often am drawn to. I recently picked up a few of their supplements including Nature Made® Burp-less Omega-3 supplements from Fish Oil and Nature Made® Vitamin D3. I find these in the vitamin section at Walmart and stock up. They also recently changed their label at Walmart and Walmart.com. So, next time you’re in the supplement aisle, look for the newly designed Nature Made® labels! I find it that if I am taking care of myself, I am more productive, have a better attitude and I’m just a better human being altogether.

OK, so tell me, is there something that you do that helps you set your day on the right path?

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