Penny Scallan DesignsOver the years I have built a very eclectic collection of bags. Hand bags, duffel bags, oversize hold everything bag, diaper bags, zippy baggies, bags for traveling, bags for holding toiletries while you travel, sandwich bags, school backpacks for grace, reusable grocery bags, makeup bags, bags for hair accessories, and bags to hold shoes in.  You name it… I have it.  I even have little individual bags that I throw in a bigger bag so everything is easier to find.

I guess it comes from the desire to be super organized and have what I need at the precise time that I need it.  Having to reach all the way to the bottom of my “carry everything” tote for a lipgloss or worse… my car keys… is one of my all-time pet-peeves.  I find it that it’s easier to say “the bandaids are in the big blue bag inside of the flower zippy bag” than to wing it and reach around until I feel something that slightly resembles bandaids, only to find that it’s just an old chick-fil-a receipt. Anyone with me???

To my extreme excitement, the folks over at Penny Scallan Design sent me this very user friendly and right up my alley Sleepover Bag.  Although one day this bag will live up to it’s name as a “sleep over bag,” today this little lady is my drop everything and let’s go to the park bag.

Penny Scallan DesignsThe Penny Scallan Design Sleepover Bag has short handles and an adjustable shoulder strap that makes it super easy to tote around when your hands are tied up with your toddler’s toys (a daily occurrence for me) It also has a water repellent coating that makes wiping away the park dirt a breeze and a cute name tag is always a win in my book!

Penny Scallan DesignsPenny Scallan DesignsGrace loves to count the stars printed all over the bag, and I love that I have a new favorite addition to my collection. Today we’re taking it to the park. However, come January, it might be taking a trip with us to the hospital for our baby essentials. I wouldn’t doubt it… the possibilities are endless!

Also, how cool is this four wheel spinner for Grace to use on our next family vacation? I’ve added it to my wish list along with these gumboots that would look adorable on our little girl.

P.S: Here are a few of our park pictures

Penny Scallan Designs Penny scallan design Penny scallan design Penny scallan design Penny Scallan DesignsPenny Scallan DesignsPenny scallan design Penny scallan design Penny Scallan Designs Penny Scallan Designs



  1. aunttr
    October 11, 2014 / 10:19 pm

    Great pics as always. I too can think of a million things to use the star bag for. (Well maybe not a million, haha, but many.) And the scooter is too cute.

  2. aleandtere
    October 12, 2014 / 5:48 pm

    Thanks AuntT! I can think of a bunch of ways to use the bag too!!!

  3. October 13, 2014 / 4:35 pm

    Your description of bags had me nodding in agreement! I am the same way. I simply can’t turn down a cute bag.