These past couple of weeks ale and my schedule have been completely opposite from each others. I started my new job and between attempting to find comfort during this pregnancy and trying to get in some sleep, there has been little to no cooking in this house. This week, Blue Apron showed up at our door with all of the ingredients for a Butternut Squash & Goat Cheese Pizza as well as a couple of other weekday meals. It was a huge relief knowing that for that entire week my groceries were all taken care of and I would not have to spend any time at the grocery store. Thank you Blue Apron!
We tried Blue Apron for the first time a few weeks ago and totally loved it. The produce was fresh and perfectly measured, which eliminates the inevitable wasting of ingredients. It took very little time to prep everything and a fool-proof step by step guide (with pictures) on how to prepare all of the dishes made it that much easier. It was also my first time cooking with fennel which was a bit nerve-wracking but exciting.
The hardest part for me was stretching out this crust. I still haven’t mastered the art of tossing the pizza dough in the air… maybe one day. Regardless, it turned out pretty good!
We also had an inside scoop to the Vermont Creamery (a local business that supplies goat cheese for this recipe). The farm is located in Westerville, Vermont and it was founded by a couple (Allison Hooper and Bob Reese) in 1984. Blue Apron shared a little bit about the goat cheese making process with us and it was really neat getting a behind the scenes look at how it’s made. Take a look at this video:
Blue Apron is offering 50 Ale &Tere readers their first two meals free. You can sign up here. Also, they ship to most of the country and you can cancel with them anytime!!
Happy cooking!
{this post is sponsored in part by Blue Apron}