We’ve hit the first week of March 2021 and this month is coming in with a lot of baggage. It’s officially been a year since our lives changed and a worldwide pandemic swept over our nation and the world. However, as with everything else, time goes on here were are again. Another trip around the sun and to be honest we are all stronger for it.
I love the start of each month, especially this one. It’s a great opportunity to set goals, start fresh, and to look ahead with hopeful anticipation.
This month I’m taking it a bit easy on myself. I think we all have a bit of PTSD from this past year so I am choosing to base my goals around the things that are helping me grow, maintain my focus, and keep me positive so I can be a light to those around me.
I thought I’d share my March 2021 goals here and hopefully come back at the end of the month having accomplished most of them!

March 2021 GOALS
- Read Growing in Holiness by R.C Sproul – currently on chapter 5 and hoping to finish it next week
- Finalize our homeschooling for the month – so far so good. Grandparents paid a visit this past week and we took a few more breaks than usual, but we’re moving right along. So, more on this later, but with Abeka academy you have one year to complete the online sessions before they’re no longer avaialble. That cut off time for us is May 4th. So, we’re basically down to the wire!
- Keep up with my content calendar – this is so hard for me but I am working on focusing more on “finished is better than perfect” and not having such high expectations of myself.
- Keep up with my 1/2 marathon training – Ok so I just started my second week of training and every time I get out there, I am so grateful that I GET to run. It’s my absolute favorite exercise and I hope to get better at it. This month I am doing the guided training with Nike running and I’m trying to learn how to run with compression stockings.
- Clean up my garden and prep my garden beds – I can’t tell you how excited I am about starting a garden this year. I have been growing my seeds from Floret and they’re sprouting! I’m also super excited that Texas is starting to warm up and all of the frost is gone!
- Clean out the hallway closet that is bursting at the seams – This is one of those things I just have to put my head down and get done.
- Take one night a week for planning/ quiet/ journaling outside of the house – This is tough because I honestly forget how necessary this practice is for me. As a content creator, I am often on the hunt for a new idea or looking for the next fun thing to write about. I love that aspect of my personality, but it often is coupled with neglecting to reflect on the previous season or experience. I’m working on changing that and finding the balance between “the next thing” and the lessons learned from the previous projects.
- Make 3 Dr. appointments for myself! – I have to tell you, dr appointments are a luxury for me. I get a minute to myself to breathe and sometimes the best part of it all is laying down while someone else pays attention to all my ailments. Maybe it sounds silly but because I know this is a “treat” I often postpone my appointments or neglect them all together. My goal this month is to take them seriously and not just as “Elective” things but rather as important and necessary tasks.
Do you make goals for the month? I often keep a mental running list but sometimes seeing them or writing them out make all the difference!

This dress is from Banana Republic. Linking a similar one here