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Here are some tips on enjoying your visit to Magnolia Market at the Silos with your kids.

Come early or late.
There’s no question that people are flooding in from over the country to visit the Silos, making it a little crowded and difficult to maneuver around with children. Also, when this place gets packed the lines for the bakeshop and the market wrap around the block (Think Disney World lines). My suggestion is that you show up half an hour before they’re open or an hour and a half before they close. Also, pick your battles. If you plan to visit the bakeshop in the morning, then come in later and visit the market late in the afternoon. This will keep you from having to stand in line with little ones and you’ll avoid the mid-day crowds. On our first day, we visited the market around 4pm and there were absolutely no lines. We walked right inside the store with plenty of time to browse, shop and check out. The following day, we came back early in the morning and stood in line for the bakery. Splitting both events up and sticking to the early morning or late afternoon plan worked out best for us and our kids.
Shop on-line or ship it.
Visiting the Silos is an experience however, everything you see at the Silos, you can purchase online. We bought a few small items that fit nicely in our stroller, and did most of our shopping online. There’s also a Fed-Ex in the Market making it convenient for you to shop and ship without having to carry anything around.
Not traveling with kids? No problem!
Check out our Five tips for your Magnolia Market Visit!

Enjoy the lawn.
I was pleasantly surprised at how family-friendly the market is. They provide games, beanbag chairs, balls and space for the kids to run around. They also have the prettiest set-up of swings, flower pots, and shaded picnic tables. We spent a good portion of our day listening to music, lounging on the beanbags and running around with the kids. The kids played catch and ran from one end of the lawn to the other until they wore themselves out. It was perfect. Also, having kids, gives you an excuse to sit on the floor and relax without it looking awkward.
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Eat early.
There are a few food trucks on the property and come lunchtime the lines are unbelievable. My suggestion is that you grab lunch before the lunch-time rush hour. Having little ones wait in line for food is no fun, especially when everyone is running low on energy. While the kids were playing on the lawn with Alex, I walked up to three different food trucks, ordered and brought it back for everyone to eat within a few minutes. No lines, no meltdowns.
Load up on baked goods.
If you happen to visit the bakery, grab a few extra cupcakes. We shared some baked goods with the kids, and brought home some cupcakes for us to enjoy later. We were so glad that we did, because although the baked goods are delicious, we weren’t going to stand in line with kids a second time. Also, there’s a Common Grounds Coffee truck at the lawn that is packed in the morning. The Silos Baking Co. bakery serves Common Grounds Coffee… so go ahead and grab a cup!