Oh sunshine, you were so good to us! A few weeks ago, we took a little trip to Florida and I’m just getting around to posting all of our pictures. We had such an amazing time soaking in the rays, feeling the salty air on our faces and the sand under our feet. It was perfect.
This was Harrison’s first time at the beach and it shows! We didn’t get much vitamin D during the winter days in NE, so we chased the sunshine until our tans came back. These are some of my favorite pictures of our trip.

There’s something so sweet about pictures like this one. I love having these tiny babies wrapped around my legs, looking up and squeezing in. This is my favorite. I only have a few more years with them before we won’t be able to fit in a shot like this so I am taking as many pictures as possible with them just like this. Also, Harrison’s toes are everything in this shot!
Let’s talk about these bathing suits for a minute. These are from Kortni Jeane and they kindly suited us up just in time for our trip. I have to tell you I loved the way the girls’ suits fit and Harrison’s little boy-shorts were just about the cutest thing I’ve ever seen!

Last time we visited Florida, Haddon was skeptical of the water and didn’t trust the waves. This time around, he dove right in as if he and the ocean were old friends. It was really fun standing back and watching him enjoy the water, and

I’m going to show these pictures to his girlfriend one day. Just kidding… he’ll never have a girlfriend.

I can’t tell you how much these pictures mean to me and how honored and humbled I am that I get to be their mama. They fill my heart with so much joy and gosh seeing them like this makes me really look forward to all the future road-trips, and memories we’ll get to share.

Until next time sunshine…