Last week was unprecedented, and if there’s one thing that we learned is that we have very little control over anything that happens in our live.
Here we are thinking that Spring has sprung on, and all of the sudden we are hit with negative temperatures in Texas!! Yes, texas gets snow from time to time, but nothing like this. The ponds were frozen through, there was skeet all over the road, businesses had to shut down and the damage that this snow caused is still being worked through.
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It was something out of a cartoon. It reminded me of the movie Horton hears a WHO, where Horton is trying to convince the WHO president that he lives in a speck and that the world is way bigger than anything he could imagine. In attempts to secure the spec, Horton takes it through a very hostile environment end it drastically changes the lives of the WHO people. All of a sudden they go from surfing and suntanning to 6 feet of snow. It’s the only thing that came to mind when I think about what happened this past winter in Texas.

It all leads me back to remember that just like the WHO’s, we have absolutely no control, or very very very little control of anything that happens in our lives.
The weather is such a great reminder of God‘s sovereignty and God‘s plan for our life. It shows us that He, in His sovereignty is the only one who holds all things together and regardless of how much planning we do it all comes to a halt when it’s compared to His wondrous works.

The week before this unprecedented snow storm Alex and I met my brother and his wife in Colorado. We went skiing and got our snow “fix” knowing that we’d be coming back to Texas to warm spring days.
So we had all of our heavy duty Nebraska snow gear out and because I wanted to see if it would fit, I had the kids try on their gear as well.

It seems as though we brought the snow with us when we got back to Texas because what we experienced was nothing short of an intense blizzard. The good news is that we were prepared. The bad news was that Texas homes were not built for that kind of winter weather.
Texas was the butt of the joke for an entire week and although in a lot of ways it was comical, but it was also very devastating. Texas is not prepared for a drop in temperatures. Our pipes are not insulated and they freeze very easily which leads them to burst, sending gallons and gallons of water into our homes once the freeze thaws. Thank God, we only experienced damage to one of our AC units (which we are currently working on replacing). The entire state experienced power outages. Some were due to rolling power outages (controlled) and some lost power for days at a time. This sent a lot of people to seek shelter. As if that was not enough, the power outages caused water plants to stop functioning correctly and sent us all into a boil water situation. It was definitely a rough week and the damage is for sure going to be felt for years to come.

We did however try to seek out the silver lining of the catastrophic event. The kids Alex and I donned our winter gear that miraculously still fit all of us and with our power being out, we played in the snow.
We geared up, dusted off our old sleds from Nebraska and had a unforgettable time playing right outside our door. Because we like to take things to the next level, we thought it would be fun to strap a rope to the back of our golf cart and sled down our neighborhood streets. It was very safe, as most people were indoors trying to stay warm and no one was really on the road, but it was thrilling and so much fun. We also found a few hills around to slide down as well as try our hand at figure eights at our local park that had a couple feet untoched fresh snow. There was snow everywhere, and it was just begging to be played with. And so we did.