This post has been sponsored by Mucinex®. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

Busy schedules and relief on the go
It seems like once September 1st hits, life hits the turbo mode. The kids are all in fall activities, and Alex’s and my work schedules begin to pick up. This year, Grace is balancing dance, choir, and soccer, and I’m having to figure out how to make it to her rehearsals on time. It seems like we are always on the go these days. The challenging part about being involved in so many activities is that Grace is exposed to a lot of germs, and her risk for getting sick is through the roof. Before leaving for any of her activities, I make sure to give her plenty of immune boosting supplements, vitamins, and I bring a well-stocked first aid kit. In the kit, I have band-aids, antibiotic ointments, and Mucinex® Junior Cold and Flu Caplets and Mucinex® Junior Cough and Congestion Caplets. Sometimes a cold is inevitable and for that reason, I carry these Junior Cold and Flu Caplets so we can start relieving the cold and flu symptoms no matter where we are.

Use as directed

Use as directed.

Grace has shown a lot of interest in both dancing and soccer. I love how different they both are and how she transforms from a dainty ballerina into a rough ball chasing soccer player. She loves them both and has made so many new friends.

Mucinex® Junior Cold and Flu Caplets, Mucinex® Junior Cough and Congestion Caplets come in junior-sized and pre-measured caplets so that we always know that we are giving her the right dose. I like these Junior Cold and Flu tablets because I can start fighting her symptoms and get her back to her normal self as soon as possible. I take Mucinex® whenever I have a cold, and I’m happy to know that there are Mucinex® Junior Cold and Flu Caplets, Mucinex® Junior Cough and Congestion Caplets that are right for her age.

Use as directed

I love this stage in life with Grace. She’s so active and fun and wants to make friends with everyone. She has a million questions and really seeks out to understand the hard things. She’s such a happy kid and has a toothless smile that can light up a room.
We’re hoping to add T-ball to her list of activities but will most likely hold off until the spring. She’s also talking about joining the competitive swim team and a gymnastics class.
I’m taking a deep breath and taking it one day at a time.
Thankfully, a cold is not something that stands in our way these days thanks to Mucinex® Junior Cold and Flu Caplets!
Busy schedules and relief on the go