This year, we have added to our book collection and the kids and I are really excited about it because all of these children’s books point to the true reason for the season, Jesus Christ.
We have a few books at our home that are more traditional and read through Luke and have been very diligent about following our advent reading. However, this year I wanted something a little bit different. I wanted to have a different storyline, that the kids can follow, which would ultimately all tie to Jesus coming down to earth to save us from our sins.
Emory has asked me to read each book at least 12 times and Haddon is constantly answering all of my Bible questions that are tied to the book. What I love the most is that the authors creatively gave a different perspective, while staying true to the real reason for the season!
Christmas books for kids that point to Jesus
1. M is for manger – This is a sweet book that goes through the alphabet and the Christmas story at the same time! It starts with A is for angel telling Mary that she is chosen by God and ends with Z is for zillions of stars filled the sky, but there was one that shone the brightest that told of Jesus’s birth.
2. The Berenstain Bears Go Christmas Caroling (Berenstain Bears/Living Lights) – I grew up reading The Berenstain bears and I love that the kids and I are reading these books together. This book breaks down a few of the classic Christmas carols and ends at a nativity scene where they all break out in a chorus of “Come and behold Him…” It also shares the adventures of the Bernstein family as they celebrate Christmas.
3. Jesus, Me, and My Christmas Tree – I really like this book because it ties the tradition of a Christmas tree to Jesus and shows how it all is there to worship God. It’s also a fun shape and very sturdy. It shares that everything on the tree (from the ribbons to the presents) all points to Jesus.
4. The Littlest Watchman: Watching and Waiting for the Very First Christmas – This was such a fun read. It’s based out of the prophecy in Isaiah 11:1 “And there shall come forth a shoot from the stump of Jesse, and a branch from his roots shall bear fruit: And the spirit of the LORD shall rest upon him…” The little watchman was trained and called to look at a tree stump to see if the shoot would come from it. While he’s staring at the stump, he gets distracted wishing he was doing something else. While he was watching and waiting, he saw the Christmas story unfold. This book drew me to tears and I jump at the opportunity of reading it with the kids.
5. The Silent Noisy Night (padded) – What a fun read! It’s a look at the song silent night but realizing that it may not have been a “silent” night after all. Jesus was born in lowly circumstances and probably had a lot of noisy animals around him. The point of the book is that the animals worshiped God by being who God created them to be and that we too, can worship God through singing praises, and showing the love of Christ.

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