Before diving into homeschooling schedules, curriculum, or teaching methods, I knew that we needed to dig deep and find our WHY behind homeschooling. We wanted to have something written down to help ground us and keep the focus front of mind during the fun successful days and the long and tedious ones. Grounding ourselves in our purpose is always the first step toward setting goals and long-term planning.
Want to see our reasons for homeschooling? See them here
In order to get there, we put together a few thought-provoking questions to help us get to know our kids (students) better and help us figure out a direction we wanted to take our homeschool. We called it our Homeschooling Rhythm and it has been super helpful as we navigate through our homeschooling. We take into account things we’re looking forward to, the things we are going to say no to as well as the life-giving activities that will help us grow as a family.
Depending on your state, there are a few records that you have to keep on your own, attendance may be one of them. This attendance sheet is practical, simple to use, and can be printed multiple times, for multiple students.

Click here to download the attendance sheet
Homeschooling schedules depend heavily on your family’s rhythm. There are some families who prefer to school first thing in the morning and others are a bit more flexible with how they build their day. I created a daily homeschool schedule that’s tailored to homeschoolers with younger kids and one that is customizable for your family.
This schedule is great for older children as well. It keeps us all focused on the task at hand and allows us to manage our time well. I also included time for lunch, snacks, and quiet time.
Click here to download the homeschool schedule
If you prefer to customize your schedule to fit your specific needs, here’s a blank page where you can fill in your time and activity. I feel like having a schedule on paper solidifies our day and helps us maintain our focus.
Click here to download the blank schedule sheet
This is my favorite printable. It’s a daily planner that allows me to add notes, a priority list, a motivational quote of the day and helps me keep track of my to-do list. It’s all on one page, it’s pretty and helps me stay organized.
Click here to download the homeschool daily planner
My hope is that these tools help simplify your day and help you find your family’s rhythm so that you can all walk in one accord to the Glory of God!
Let me know if you have any questions/ feedback!
And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.
Colossians 3:17