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I’m always trying to find different ways to decompress after a long day. I am a homeschooling mom who works as a content creator and I have to be very intentional about finding time at the end of the day to decompress.
There has been a lot of talk recently about self-care and what that means to different people. To me self-care means pausing to reflect and doing something that is not only productive but brings me joy. Sometimes it can be reading a book or going out for a drive, and others it’s something as simple as a hot shower.
Today I’m sharing with you four tips on how I create a little home oasis that is both welcoming and relaxing. At the end of the day, after the kids have gone to bed, I take a few minutes to recharge. It does not take much, but having a few essentials can really transform my experience.
Four tips on creating a home oasis
1. Soft towels – To me, soft towels feel luxurious. Whenever I envision myself in an upscale hotel, I always think about their bed linen and soft towels. It’s one of the things that I look forward to the most about checking in somewhere. Having a super soft plush towel at home really enhances the overall experience.

2. Good quality body wash- I grew up using a bar of soap in the shower. And although I have nothing against it, I do prefer to use a high-end body wash once in a while. It’s like night and day for me. I usually use something with exfoliation and essential oils. I also like something that’s a little bit “sudsier” and leaves my skin feeling soft and moisturized.

3. A “game-changing” Shower System- we recently installed The Waterpik® BodyWand Spa System from Bed Bath & Beyond! This combination shower system has been a total game changer, as it includes a fixed mount shower-head with a handheld BodyWand. This is very different than the shower-heads I’m used to. The Waterpik® BodyWand Spa Systems are carefully engineered to be powerful in any shower. I love everything about this shower-head. I love how sleek it looks and the fact that it has three different modes. The BodyWand has a PowerComb™ for my hair (highest power), a SoftComb (medium power) and a Gentle Rinse (lowest power) setting in order to best serve the user. The PowerComb™ mode is my favorite for detangling my hair and to soothe my sore muscles after our runs. The fixed mount shower head has a PowerPulse Water Massage system for full body relaxation, which is what I need when it comes to decompressing. Harrison has been very active these days and I’ve had to pick him up a lot. This means that my muscles are very sore and having a way to massage my shoulders makes a difference in my day. The Waterpik® BodyWand Spa System also has seven spray modes and an 8 foot metal hose that allows me to use it with ease. On days where I am just washing my hair, the length of the hose and the power of the PowerComb™ washes and brushes out my hair.

4. A quiet environment – nothing says relaxation quite like silence. My days are loud, busy and I don’t usually have personal space. When it’s time for me to decompress, I like silence. I like to light some candles and make sure that Alex knows that he’s tending to the kids. Most of the time he’s the one that suggests that I take a few minutes to myself and it’s something that I really appreciate.
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So let me ask you, how do you find ways to decompress during your day? Have you tried the The Waterpik® BodyWand Spa System? If you haven’t, head over to Bed Bath and Beyond to pick up one for yourself, and for a limited time, Save $5 on The Waterpik® BodyWand Spa System with this rebate! Valid 10/1-12/31/19.

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