our kids and their eyes

I’m really excited about today’s post because I am talking all about my family’s eyes! This is a very important topic for me considering I am almost blind without my glasses. We are extra cautious about protecting our kids’ eyes too, especially during these sunny months and scheduling their annual eye exams this summer. Summertime is the perfect time to take your children in for an annual comprehensive eye exam!

This week, I am teaming up with Thinkaboutyoureyes.com to find physicians in my area to schedule Grace and Haddon’s annual eye exam. I am joining a national public awareness campaign to educate the public on vision health and promote the importance of getting an annual comprehensive eye exam. What’s really neat about the site is that they have over 19,000 eye doctors in their database making it simple to navigate, set up an appointment and help protect the future of their vision.

our kids and their eyes

My kids currently have excellent eyesight and I love being able to experience life through their eyes. Emory spots all of the squirrels running around, Grace points out all of the bird nests in the trees and Haddon can spot a sports car a mile away.

A few weeks ago, we took Grace and Haddon out to get sunglasses and they were thrilled at the thought of wearing their favorite characters on their faces. I think they look adorable and I certainly feel great about protecting their eyes from the harsh sun.

Another step we are taking towards protecting our kids’ eyes is limiting their screen time. These days, it’s so easy to find all kinds of educational apps or shows that are genuinely good for them. However, the screens can really strain their eyes and cause problems in the long road that can interfere with their learning and behavior.

our kids and their eyes

Another reason I particularly like this site is because they break down baby’s eyesight development and help us identify how Emory is doing, even before her first appointment.

We are really looking forward to the kids’ eye exam this summer and spending as much time as we can outdoors.

our kids and their eyes

our kids and their eyes our kids and their eyes
