Things have changed around here a lot. The kids still have no idea of what we’re about to face as a family but Alex and I have felt the looming shift and weight of Haddon’s heart surgery. Although our joy is unshakable, there are things we’ve had to learn how to do… like make breakfast and meet deadlines when it’s difficult to focus on anything other than Haddon’s little heart.
I don’t have Bible study and prayer on this list because I believe it’s the absolute most important practice we as Christians need to immerse as we walk with Christ.
We’re figuring out how to function and how to keep the train rolling in the midst of a crisis and I wanted to share some practical tips that are helping me in the midst of our crisis:
- Make a list / schedule – The hardest part for me thus far has been understanding the effects of “shock” on my system. Some days it’s difficult for me to make a pot of coffee or answer emails, let alone keep track of going grocery shopping. Making a detailed schedule has been really helpful. I add time frames and jot everything from “dinner prep time” to “brush teeth.” Yours may not need to be as detailed, but for this season, when sometimes it’s difficult to place one foot in front of the other, having every task written out has been my lifeline.

- Prioritize health – As caregivers, we tend to neglect our health and wellbeing. I’ve realized the importance of maintaining a workout routine a while ago. These days, I make sure I am taking a high quality probiotic, I am drinking copious amounts of water and getting to bed in a reasonable time. I’m also eating nutritionally dense meals when possible and taking creating space during my day to pause, deep breathe and stretch. For me these are the basics, anything more than that is gravy, but these are necessary for me to function.
- Keep a notebook with important information around – There are dates, questions, information thrown my way that I am having a hard time remembering. I have a small notebook where I jot down personal information as well as reminders to call friends or dates etc. I can’t remember what I ate this morning, let alone recall all four of my kid’s birthdays on the fly.
- Accept help – This has been difficult for me. I am an introverted overachiever so pausing to ask for help does not come easy to me. I am understanding the blessings that come from accepting help from others and allowing God to work in the hearts of our friends as they minister to us. From a meal delivery to prayer to a cup of coffee, it has been such an encouragement to see the body of Christ hold you up when your knees are weak. Accepting help in our time of need shows us, in a tangible way, the kindness and grace of Christ and allows us to be an active vessel as He works in the lives of the body of Christ.
What a joy it is to be able to trust that God sustains us and allows us to practice some practical wisdom in our everyday lives.