I have been hoarding these pictures for the past three months. I keep coming back to this post but I can’t seem to really express how much fun and how special this trip was. But time is passing us by and these pictures are collecting digital dust so here they are…
During our visit to Florida, my brothers took us all to a really neat market called Robert is Here. He told us this entire story about a little boy named Robert who had a fruit stand. Long story short, his parents made a sign for his fruit stand so the locals could see it and since then, it has grown to a huge shop with exotic fruits, smoothies, and even a petting zoo.
Ok this really was such a fun outing. We drank our weight in smoothies, soaked in the sunshine and pet all of the goats. The kids loved it and of course I have 452 pictures!

This was so much fun to watch. Every part of me wanted to disinfect my kids’ hands, but they were just having such a great time. Also, the lady next to them gave the kids a whole bunch of feed and showed them how to feed the cow, which was the nicest thing. Haddon wasn’t so thrilled about the idea of getting cow saliva on him but Emory didn’t seem to mind. She kept going back for more feed and was ecstatic when the cow ate the feed off her hand.