This post is sponsored by General Mills, but all opinions are my own.

The school year is finally here, and we are so excited about getting into a family routine again. This summer has been so good for us but as the seasons change, so do our bedtimes and the amount of family time we get to squeeze in. We have been able to spend a lot of time as a family this summer, and as schedules pick up, we’ve had to find new ways to be intentional about our time together. We are still holding on to the late sunsets in Texas and are finding ourselves outdoors until the last minute. One of our favorite things to do these days is to step outside after dinner and go through our day sharing our “highs” and “lows.” It’s such a great time for our family. The kids usually share all of the fun parts and the not so fun parts of their day while they’re riding around on their scooters. This shared time is always a good practice for us. It allows us to see the good, the bad and we get a chance to encourage each other through it. During our family time, we like to bring out snacks, and today we brought our Yoplait Yogurt from Walmart! This is a balanced snacking option for us, and because there’s great variety, it’s great for the whole family. Haddon and Grace always opt for their Go-Gurt or Dunkers because they’re so easy to hold, and they are so much fun to eat. Being able to carve out time together as a family is so important to me, and as I see the kids getting older, I want to hold on to these traditions for as long as I possibly can. To me, any time we can spend time together is a Big Little Win, and I’m so grateful for Yoplait Yogurt and these long nights because they make it possible for us to carve out more quality time.
Here’s to the change in seasons and to family time!

Texas sunsets and our yoplait outdoors