Oh, what a fantastic summer we’ve had! We spent most of our days outdoors, soaking in the sunshine and taking in all of the family time we can possibly squeeze into a day. We splashed in every pool we saw and goodness we have loved every second of it.
The seasons are starting to shift and we are all heading back to school now, but not without one more summer, S’more’s backyard hang. Alex and the kids set up a sweet end-of-summer s’mores party and spent an entire evening roasting marshmallows and snacking on one of their favorite treats.

All year long I stock up on Honey Maid Grahams, Hershey’s, Milk Chocolate Candy Bars, and Jet-puffed Marshmallows. I grab them at my local Walmart and keep them in the pantry for when we need a little pick-me-up or a s’mores party for when the evening is just right.

We love S’more’s. Not just because they taste incredible, but because with a few simple ingredients, we can create an atmosphere for togetherness. These ingredients can turn a busy day into a peaceful family moment. The gooey marshmallows and the sound of the crackling fire all of the sudden creates an opportunity for our family to connect. It never fails. Every time we bring out the s’mores essentials, it creates an atmosphere of togetherness like nothing else does. I don’t know if it’s the fact that we have to take the time to roast the marshmallows or the excitement of that first bite, these nights always turn into something really special.
No matter what season it is, Walmart has all of your s’mores necessities covered! Head on over to Walmart in-store or online to stock up!

Haddon has been practicing taking the “first bite”. He says the first bite is the best one and he’s taken pride in his chocolate to marshmallow to graham cracker ratio. I’m pretty sure he’s mastered it!

I don’t know if it was the way the sun was kissing their faces or the sugar high, but goodness this crew of mine gives me all of the mama butterflies.