AD This post is sponsored by Hasbro, all opinions are my own.

If there’s one thing this year has taught us, is the importance of investing time in things that matter the most, like family. Our kids are growing up so fast we’ve appreciated the time we’ve had at home to connect with them and partake in family-friendly activities in the comfort of our own home. This past year, we’ve dusted off a lot of our childhood board games and introduced the kids to Monopoly games. I have such fun memories of my family and I spending hours negotiating properties and paying taxes as we tried to roll past the go-to jail sign. Our game was missing a few pieces so naturally, we logged on to and ordered their new MONOPOLY – At Home Reality Edition.

Ok, this was such a fun twist to the original game that highlights the way families are living these days. The bedroom is the office, the living room is the movie theater, and the kitchen is the school – very similar to how our house is currently set up.

he gameplay is similar to the standard Monopoly board game but with humorous differences like the tokens can’t share a space because of social distancing, and players will want to watch out for the screaming child because they’ll have to pay to entertain the kid. It made us laugh for a while and brought some lightheartedness to how we’ve adjusted to a new normal.

I learned that Grace is incredibly competitive, like her dad, and she has a great deal of skill when it comes to auctions and real estate. Alex is always so good at MONOPOLY games. He’s the first one to buy off all of the high-end properties and knows how to spend money to make money.

I like to think of myself as more of a snacks monitor and the bank. I tend to do better at team games, but this really was a lot of fun.The best part is the opportunity we’ve had to spend more time as a family doing some of the things that we used to do when we were younger. It’s been a “back to the basics” kind of year and I love how we’ve been able to share a few of our childhood activities with the kids. This game is for kids 8 and up, so Haddon will be joining in the fun soon.
Here’s to investing in family time and to the games that make it possible!