The past couple of weeks have been so exciting for our family. Alex started his new job in TX a month ago and the kids and I have been living in temporary housing until we close on our house. The good news is that we will be sleeping in our new home tonight!! The not so good news is that we still have to pack all of the stuff we brought into the hotel with us (all 432 bags!) I am not at all complaining about it… really. The housekeeping ladies have become my best friends and our continental breakfast has kept my kids fed and then some! Also, there’s a shake shack AND an in-and-out burger two minutes away so, it’s pretty much all good news.
I know it’s not officially summer, but these warm days have been so good for us. Have I mentioned that the hotel has a pool and a hot tub? Ok. Now I’m bragging… jk. But really after a long Nebraska winter, feeling the sun on our faces has really lifted our spirits.
Here are a few pictures enjoying the transition/hotel life.
Wearing: My bottom/ my top / Grace’s bottom / Grace’s top / Emory’s one piece / Haddon’s bottoms / Alex’s bottoms / Harry’s one piece

I keep going back and forth trying to decide who I want to look at in this picture. Haddon’s face is the sweetest. This boy is so silly and so sweet and caring. I promise you he tells me he loves me at least 5 times a day and I eat it all up. Emory… oh goodness those teeth! She’s finding her own voice these days and is the most lively child I’ve ever met. She’s so outgoing and wants to make friends with everyone at the pool. We role play at home and practice introducing ourselves with our names and a handshake or a wave. This girl has got it down! Every time she meets someone new, she’ll wave and say “I’m Emory, I’m two” It makes me so proud. I think it’s so important to build confidence in our children and this girl has no problem with that. Also, this one piece gives me all the heart eyes!

See what I mean?

Ok. Speaking of confidence

I just can’t with this belly.

The two are inseparable.

Grace turned seven last week and we promised her a birthday party when we’re all settled at our house. Not sure when we’ll celebrate, but she has a long gift list waiting for us.

My sweet boys in their Kortni Jeane swimmers! I can’t get over how adorable they look.

Our favorite swimmers are from Kortni Jeane