This is a sponsored post for SheSpeaks/Huggies®.

I have a planner and at the end of the month, every single month, I look back and write down a few things that I want to remember. They range from birthday and holiday celebrations to little things the kids do and say. I have it written down on my planner and every month, I come back and count my blessings. It’s a practice that helps me during my low days and the memories bring a smile to my face. This month has been a good one.
Huggies® Special Delivery™ diapers

We’re celebrating my birthday, the kids start school (Grace 2nd grade and Haddon preK), my mom came to visit, and we’re really settling into our life in Texas. My mom and aunt are in a cooking kick and have been making all of my favorites. It has certainly been an amazing month so far.
But the best part of all is this little guy. He’s 10 months in a few days and we are having so much fun with this boy. I think he’s really taking the fourth child role to heart and banking on all of the affection and attention that his brother and sisters give him. He also gets away with all the things and is beyond spoiled.

Over the past few weeks, he’s learned how to crawl and pull himself up to a stand. It’s the cutest thing watching all the kids together encouraging him and clapping for him. They cheer him on and he glows with excitement.

He’s also teething and biting down on anything he gets his little hands on, just to soothe those gums. Oh gosh, he’s just the sweetest!
This month he also went up a diaper size, which means my mama arms are about to get really strong. Now I can’t do anything about my arms being sore, but I did pick up Huggies® Special Delivery™ diapers from Walmart. These are premium diapers that are super soft, and reliable. They are disposable diapers that are made with plant-based* materials. They are hypoallergenic, paraben-free, fragrance-free, and elemental chlorine-free. On top of how much I trust these diapers, they are also super adorable and you can pick them up at your local Walmart (look for the endcaps).
Click here to shop for Huggies® Special Delivery™ at *23% by weight

I’m pretty sure this kid is going to take off running soon and nothing or no one will be able to stop him. In fact, we will all sit and cheer him on because he’s just the cutest kid ever.